Kudumba yogam Changanacherry

         Mathai was entirely a different person  from his elder brother  Mikhael in all aspects. He was staying with his father .He was fluent in martial arts.At times he used this on unsocial elements to keep the law and order in the society. In those days  Changanacherry church had two groups namely pro Varapuzha  and anti Varapuzha laity. Due to this controversy burial of the dead  belonging to  pro Varapuzha laity was not permitted by  anti  Varapuzha laity. So pro Varapuzha laity had to depend on  Muttar Church for this.  As this state of affairs could not be allowed to continue , under the leadership of Mathai, they  decided to bury the dead in Changanacherry church cemetery itself. This developed friction and fight between these two groups. One day for burial of  the dead body of a poor man of pro Varapuzha , this group forcefully  entered the cemetery which was objected by anti Varapuzha laity.  This resulted in a fight between the two groups and  Kochu kuruvilla Mathai  by using his muscle power,  buried the dead body and in the process  golden chain of one of them fell into the pit and without making any search for this the body was lowered into the pit and covered. The opposition group was waiting for a chance to retaliate. This situation did not prolong as Mathai kept mum and waited for the issues to subside.. He married from a noble family in Vazhapally, but  did not have any children and his wife expired first and Mathai soon after this. Records of his next of kin are not available. After the death of Mathai, his elder brother Kuruvilla Mikhael returned to this ancestral house.
